Saturday, September 10, 2011

"The War of the Worlds"

Tanveer, Ammas
per. A2, Honors English
Book Review

"The War of the Worlds"
by: H. G. Wells

H. G. Well's classic science fiction novel "The War of the Worlds" is a gripping tale regarding the struggles between man and martians as the later tries to enslave the human race. The novel follows one man, who will only be referred to as "The Narrator" due to the fact no name is provided for him through the entirety of the novel, as he tries to escape what seems to be the inevitable fate of death due to the coming of the martians. The martians murder a great deal of people which could easily be compared to humanities countless recounts of the killings of innocents by diverse forms of mankind. As the story progresses readers will be unable to place the book down as time and time again one will wonder whether or not The Narrator will survive through the novel. I enjoyed the this science fictional tale and would rate the novel from a scale of 1-10, as a strong 7. H. G. Wells wrote this novel in a peculiar way which I would have to describe as a kind of memoir due to the fact of the recount of the war with the martians. I would have to conclude that this book would appeal to the following audiences: readers who enjoy action and adventure, science fiction and fantasy, and suspense and thrillers. This book is a worth wild read and a great deal better than the 2005 film adaptation.

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